Alive in Christ
University Community Presbyterian Church
Sunday Worship Time, 10:30 AM
Adult Bible Study, Sundays at 9:30

Alive in Christ
Sunday Worship Time, 10:30 AM
Adult Bible Study, Sundays at 9:30
The Worship Committee meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 4PM to 5:30PM. The "Interested in getting more involved" section had the time wrong in the print newsletter. The full calendar is correct.
Invite A Friend to Church Month is APRIL, not March - there will be some preparatory events/meetings in March, however. Keep an eye out for more information!
UCPC has created a “Pray Ground” in the sanctuary near the pulpit! Each week, a volunteer has an activity for young children to work on during the sermon. All kids are invited to come up for the Children’s Sermon, and then go to the Pray Ground to color, play with play dough, do stamps, beading, coloring, and more. Parents are welcome (and encouraged, if your child is shy) to come with!
The goal of a Pray Ground is to create a space where children can wiggle and move but still see what is happening, so they can learn about what church is and become accustomed to the routines of liturgy. Children absorb much more of what is happening around them than we realize. Offering them a space to quietly play and watch has been transformative for many churches with children and we are hopeful to experience this at UCPC as well!
In the land of milk and honey, in a community that knows true food security, there are still those who struggle with hunger. Food donations to our Little Pantry ministry are accepted during office hours, Sunday Morning Worship,
or can be placed in the pantry directly.
(Please, only sealed, in date offerings only)
James Menaker
"Faith in the Age of Anxiety:
Elijah and the Stream"
1 Kings 17: 1-24
Matthew 6: 24-34
UCPC is a small congregation doing a big job.
In humility and stewardship, we bring Missions and Worship to life in the hope and faith of Jesus Christ. In all that we do, we share. From hosting community groups to several 12 step programs to housing Loving Families, our doors are always open.